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Users Policy

Users Policy

Thank you for using to rate and review hotels listed on our platform. This User’s Policy outlines the guidelines and terms for providing ratings and reviews. By submitting a rating or review on the Website, you agree to adhere to the following policies:

1. Honest and Fair Feedback

1.1. Accuracy: Provide honest, accurate, and unbiased feedback based on your personal experience with the hotel. Ensure that your ratings and reviews reflect your genuine opinion and are not influenced by external factors.

1.2. Relevance: Focus your ratings and reviews on aspects directly related to the hotel and your stay, such as the service quality, cleanliness, amenities, location, and overall experience. Avoid including personal or irrelevant information.

1.3. Prohibited Content: Do not submit or post any content that is unlawful, defamatory, discriminatory, offensive, obscene, or violates any third-party rights. reserves the right to remove or modify any content that violates these guidelines.

2. Responsible Use

2.1. User Account: You must have a registered user account on to submit ratings and reviews. Ensure that the information associated with your account is accurate and up to date.

2.2. One Review per Experience: Submit only one rating and review per hotel based on your personal experience. Multiple reviews for the same hotel by the same user may be considered a violation of these policies.

2.3. Respectful Language: Use polite and respectful language in your ratings and reviews. Do not use profanity, offensive remarks, or engage in personal attacks against individuals associated with the hotel.

3. Confidentiality and Privacy

3.1. Personal Information: Do not include personal information, such as full names, contact details, or financial information, in your ratings and reviews. reserves the right to remove any personal information from your submissions.

3.2. Confidentiality: Treat any confidential or proprietary information obtained during your stay as confidential and do not disclose it in your ratings and reviews.

4. Ownership and Usage Rights

4.1. Grant of License: By submitting a rating or review on the Website, you grant a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, and perpetual license to use, display, modify, reproduce, and distribute the content for promotional or informational purposes related to the hotel and the Website.

4.2. Intellectual Property: Ensure that your ratings and reviews do not infringe upon any intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, or proprietary information of third parties.

5. Moderation and Removal

5.1. Moderation: reserves the right to moderate and review all ratings and reviews before they are published on the Website. We may edit or remove content that violates these policies or is deemed inappropriate or irrelevant.

5.2. User Feedback: If you believe that a rating or review violates these policies or is inaccurate, misleading, or fraudulent, please report it to for review and appropriate action.

6. Liability and Disclaimers

6.1. Accuracy of Content: does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of ratings and reviews posted on the Website. We do not endorse or verify the opinions expressed by users.

6.2. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or related to your ratings and reviews, including any violation of these policies.

7. Changes to the User’s Policy

7.1. reserves the right to modify this User’s Policy at any time by posting the revised policy on the Website. It is your responsibility to review the or Call : +91 98413 71254